
A Republic Day click!!

I know I’m posting after a lot of time it’s just that I’ve been busy lately…I would love to update you guys on what I’ve been doing one of the things being opening a photography account on Instagram!

Definitely check that out @thephotographer_22

Let me know what you think about todays pic in the comments

Keep clicking,

Miss chauhan

Butterfly (Papillon)

I was clicking the picture of a chameleon in my garden when this beautiful butterfly flew past me. what a coincidence!

I believe that the best pictures are clicked coincidentally. What do you think?

comment about a picture that you took by chance and don’t forget to give a link to it.

Keep clicking,

Miss Chauhan
miss chauhan

A Chameleon in the Garden

There’s this thing known as the *chameleon effect* in which one starts talking like the person one spends most of the time with. This is true cuz most ppl say that me and best friend talk in a very similar way.

What do you think about it?

Keep clicking,

Miss Chauhan